ReSpeaker Python API

ReSpeaker Python Library is an open source python library to provide functions of voice interaction for ReSpeaker.

class BingSpeechAPI

Provides methods to:

  1. Initialize BingSpeechAPI
  2. Apply Bing Speech API access token
  3. Realize speech to text and text to speech
  4. Generate the WAV header and the WAV file contents

  5. def __init__(self, key):

    Initialize BingSpeechAPI.


    Example usage

    BING_KEY = '' bing = BingSpeechAPI(key=BING_KEY)

- **def recognize(self, audio\_data, language="en-US", show_all=False):**

    Translate the audio data to text by sending it to Bing Speech API.

    - **Parameters:**

        *audio\_data* - the audio frames

        *language* - the language of the audio data translating into, defaults to "en-US"

        *show\_all* - whether the entire JSON should be returned, defaults to False

    - **Return:** a JSON containing the hander and lexical

    - **Raise RequestError:** if recognition connection failed

    #Example usage

        text = bing.recognize(data)
        if text:
            print('Recognized %s' % text)
    except Exception as e:
  • def synthesize(self, text, language="en-US", gender="Female"):

    Synthesize text to audio data by sending it to Bing Speech API.

    • Parameters:

      text - an instance of the String object.

      language - the language of the text, supported languages are listed among self.locales

      gender - the text to speech voice

    • Return: raw audio data

    • Raise LocaleError: if language not in self.locales


    Example usage

    if spoken_text: audio = bing.synthesize(spoken_text) player.play_raw(audio)

- **def authenticate(self):**

    Apply access token from Bing Speech API. Every call to the Speech API requires a JSON Web Token (JWT) access token and the token has a expire time of 10 minutes.

    It is called by **self.recognize()** and **self.synthesize()**.
    - **Parameters:**

        *self.access\_token* - access token from Bing Speech API 

    - **Raise RequestError:** if recognition connection failed

- **@staticmethod**

    **def to\_wav(raw\_data):**

    Generate the WAV file contents with raw audio data.

    It is called by **self.recognize()**.

    - **Parameters:**

        *raw\_data* - raw audio data

    - **Return:** WAV data

- **@staticmethod**

    **def get\_wav\_header():**

    Generate the WAV header. 

    It is called by **self.recognize()**.

    - **Return:** WAV header

##class Player

Based on [PyAudio]( and [wave](, provides methods to:

1. Initialize Player
2. Play wav file and raw audio data file.

- **def \_\_init\_\_(self, pa):**

    Initialize Player.

    - **Parameters:**

        *pa* - PyAudio instance

    #Example usage
    mic = Microphone()
   player = Player(mic.pyaudio_instance)
  • def play(self, wav_file, block=True):

    Play wav audio file.

    • Parameters:

      wav_file - wav file

      block - whether wait for playing audio data in buffer, defaults to True


    Example usage

    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file)) hi = os.path.join(script_dir, 'audio/hi.wav')

- **def play\_raw(self, raw\_data, rate=16000, channels=1, width=2, block=True):**

    Play raw audio file.

    - **Parameters:**

        *raw\_data* - raw audio data file

        *block* - whether wait for playing audio data in buffer, defaults to True

    #Example usage  
    if spoken_text:
        audio = bing.synthesize(spoken_text)

class Microphone

Provides methods to:

  1. Initialize Microphone
  2. Translate raw audio data into text
  3. Wake up ReSpeaker with keyword
  4. Listen and record the speech

  5. def __init__(self, pyaudio_instance=None, quit_event=None):

    Initialize Microphone.

    • Parameters:

      pyaudio_instance - PyAudio instance, defaults to None

      quit_event - if quit_event is set, defaults to None


    Example usage

    mic = Microphone()

- **def recognize(self, data):**

    Translate raw audio data into text with [PocketSphinx](

    - **Parameters:**

        *data* - raw audio data

    - **Return:** string

    #Example usage  
    data = mic.listen()
    text = mic.recognize(data)
    if text:
        print('Recognized %s' % text) 
  • def detect(self, keyword=None):

    def wakeup(self, keyword=None):

    detect and wakeup are used to wake up ReSpeaker when the keyword is detected.

    • Parameters:

      keyword - the keyword to wake up ReSpeaker

    • Return: if the keyword is detected, return the keyword; if not, return None.


    Example usage

    if mic.wakeup('respeaker'): print('wake up') data = mic.listen() text = mic.recognize(data) if text: time.sleep(1) print('Recognized %s' % text)

- **def listen(self, duration=9, timeout=3):**

    Listen and record the speech.

    - **Parameters:**

        *duration* - listen the speech for the given number of seconds, defaults to 9 seconds

        *timeout* - stop listening when don't detect any speeches for the given number of seconds, defaults to 3 seconds

    - **Return:** raw audio data

    #Example usage  
    if mic.wakeup('respeaker'):
        print('wake up')
        data = mic.listen()
        text = mic.recognize(data)
        if text:
            print('Recognized %s' % text) 

- **def record(self, file_name, seconds=1800):**

    Record the speech and save the audio file.

    - **Parameters:**

        *file_name* - file name of the saved audio file

        *seconds* - recording seconds, defaults to 1800 seconds 

- **def start(self):**

    Start processing the audio stream.

- **def stop(self):**

    Pause playing/recording.

- **def close(self):**

    Terminate the stream.

- **def task(quit_event):**

    An example of a wakeup and recognize task.

    #Example usage  
    q = Event()
    t = Thread(target=task, args=(q,))
    while True:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

##class SPI

Provides methods to:

1. Initialize SPI
2. Send data to Arduino via SPI

- **def \_\_init\_\_(self, sck=15, mosi=17, miso=16, cs=14):**

    Initialize SPI. Note that class SPI has been instantiated in, so don't have to initialize it again.

    #Example usage
    from respeaker import spi
    spi.write(data = bytearray([1, 0, 0, 50]), address = 0x00)
  • def write(self, data=None, address=None):

    Send data to Arduino. Click this Data exchange between Arduino and OpenWrt for more introduction.

    • Parameters:

      data - the data sent to Arduino, it should be a bytearray

      address - the address of SPI

    ```python from respeaker import spi

    send data [1, 0, 0, 50] to Arduino, which will make the leds turn blue.

    spi.write(data = bytearray([1, 0, 0, 50]), address = 0x00) ```

class PixelRing

Depends on class SPI, provides methods to:

  1. Initialize PixelRing
  2. Set pixel leds to off``listen``wait modes
  3. Set specific color to pixel leds

  4. def __init__(self):

    Initialize PixelRing. Note that class PixelRing has been instantiated in, so you don't need to initialize it again.


    Example usage

    from respeaker import pixel_ring

    pixel_ring.listen() time.sleep(3) pixel_ring.wait() time.sleep(3) for level in range(2, 8): pixel_ring.speak(level, 0) time.sleep(1) pixel_ring.set_volume(4) time.sleep(3)

- **def off(self):**

    Set pixel leds all off.

    #Example usage
  • def listen(self, direction=None):

    Set pixel leds to listen mode, which makes leds all green.

    • Parameters:

      direction - when direction is None, send self.write(0, [7, 0, 0, 0]) and while direction is not None, send self.write(0, [2, 0, direction & 0xFF, (direction >> 8) & 0xFF])


    Example usage


- **def wait(self):**

    Set pixel leds to `wait` mode, which makes three leds green and running in circle.

    #Example usage
  • def set_color(self, rgb=None, r=0, g=0, b=0):

    Set specific color to all pixel leds.

    • Parameters:

      rgb - hex color codes, for example, 0xff0000 means red and 0xffff00 means yellow

      r - color codes of red, from 0 to 255 or 0x00 to 0xff

      g - color codes of green, from 0 to 255 or 0x00 to 0xff

      b - color codes of blue, from 0 to 255 or 0x00 to 0xff


    Example usage

    pixel_ring.set_color(rgb=0x505000) time.sleep(3) pixel_ring.set_color(r=150, g=100, b=20) ```